we are farmers

We are farmers. We spend 80% of our time in the vineyard with the vines, observing their growth, removing diseased leaves & berries, and marveling at the diversity of plants, insects, and animals that thrive in a living vineyard ecosystem.

We use our hands every day, engaging our senses in this work, allowing for an intimate connection between the farmer and the vine. Our farming is informed by experiential learnings, collaboration, and what the wine tastes like!

The other 20% of our time is spent stomping grapes, cleaning everything in the winery twice, eating lunch, repairing vineyard & winery equipment, & dancing while we do it all.

We believe in fair pay, inclusion, and non-hierarchical working relationships.

no matter who you are, there is a seat for you at the table.

nok is :

nico + ryan + noah + tess + ethan <3

hang with us!

Wanna hang out or help out?! Shoot us an email! We always love building more community and can always use hands!